WordPress permalink issues with numbers in URL

I recently encountered an issue when trying to change a permalink on my WordPress page which was just containing the year in numbers and no text as in letters. It was in the form of mydomain.com/2020 which was automatically switched to mydomain.com/2020-2 with adding a number and a hyphen after the year I was trying to use in my URL. 

To fix this, I tried all the tips and tricks what I found on the internet. I cleared the WordPress trash for possible duplicate pages or images. I deleted the page I created and was trying to change the permalink at and finally I tried to manage the changes by going to myPHPAdmin and change the permalink attribute in the WordPress database but none of that helped. 

However, after hours of searching and trying the methods mentioned above, I came along a blog post describing that for some reason WordPress isn’t good in using only numbers in URL’s and the only reasonably easy fix is to install a plug-in to manage it. Luckily there seems to be a few out there to try. I installed Permalink Manager Lite, and bang, it did the trick for me and I finally got the URL I wanted to use.